CallLevelLock Property
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CSharpTest.Net.BPlusTree Assembly > CSharpTest.Net.Collections Namespace > BPlusTreeOptions<TKey,TValue> Class : CallLevelLock Property

Glossary Item Box

Defines a reader/writer lock that used to control exclusive tree access when needed. The public methods for EnableCount(), Clear(), and UnloadCache() each acquire an exclusive (write) lock while all other public methods acquire a shared (read) lock. By default this lock is non-operational (an instance of IgnoreLocking) so if you need the above methods to work while multiple threads are accessing the tree, or if you exclusive access to the tree, specify a lock instance. Since this lock is primarily a read-heavy lock consider using the ReaderWriterLocking or SimpleReadWriteLocking.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Overridable Property CallLevelLock As ILockStrategy
public virtual ILockStrategy CallLevelLock {get; set;}



C#Copy Code
BPlusTree<KeyInfo, DataValue>.OptionsV2 options = new BPlusTree<KeyInfo, DataValue>.OptionsV2(
    new KeyInfoSerializer(), new DataValueSerializer(), new KeyInfoComparer());
const int keysize = 16 + 4;
const int valuesize = keysize + 256 + 44;

options.CalcBTreeOrder(keysize, valuesize); 
options.FileName = TempFile.TempPath;
options.CreateFile = CreatePolicy.Always;
options.FileBlockSize = 8192;
options.StorageType = StorageType.Disk;
options.CacheKeepAliveTimeout = 10000;
options.CacheKeepAliveMinimumHistory = 0;
options.CacheKeepAliveMaximumHistory = 200;
options.CallLevelLock = new ReaderWriterLocking();
options.LockingFactory = new LockFactory<SimpleReadWriteLocking>();
options.LockTimeout = 10000;

using(BPlusTree<KeyInfo, DataValue> dictionary = new BPlusTree<KeyInfo, DataValue>(options))
using(WorkQueue work = new WorkQueue(Environment.ProcessorCount))
    Exception lastError = null;
    work.OnError += delegate(object o, ErrorEventArgs e) { lastError = e.GetException(); };

    for (int i = 0; i < Environment.ProcessorCount; i++)
        work.Enqueue(new ThreadedTest(dictionary, 1000).Run);

    Assert.IsTrue(work.Complete(true, 60000));
    Assert.IsNull(lastError, "Exception raised in worker: {0}", lastError);
VB.NETCopy Code
Dim options As New BPlusTree(Of KeyInfo, DataValue).OptionsV2(New KeyInfoSerializer(), New DataValueSerializer(), New KeyInfoComparer())

Const  keysize As Integer = 16 + 4
Const  valuesize As Integer = keysize + 256 + 44

options.CalcBTreeOrder(keysize, valuesize)
options.FileName = TempFile.TempPath
options.CreateFile = CreatePolicy.Always
options.FileBlockSize = 8192
options.StorageType = StorageType.Disk

options.CacheKeepAliveTimeout = 10000
options.CacheKeepAliveMinimumHistory = 0
options.CacheKeepAliveMaximumHistory = 200

options.CallLevelLock = New ReaderWriterLocking()
options.LockingFactory = New LockFactory(Of SimpleReadWriteLocking)()
options.LockTimeout = 10000

Using dictionary As New BPlusTree(Of KeyInfo, DataValue)(options)
    Using work As New WorkQueue(Environment.ProcessorCount)
        Dim lastError As Exception = Nothing
        work.OnError += Function(o As Object, e As ErrorEventArgs) Do
            lastError = e.GetException()
        End Function

        Dim i As Integer = 0
        While i < Environment.ProcessorCount
            work.Enqueue(New ThreadedTest(dictionary, 1000).Run)
            System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(i),i - 1)
        End While

        Assert.IsTrue(work.Complete(True, 60000))
        Assert.IsNull(lastError, "Exception raised in worker: {0}", lastError)
    End Using
End Using


Target Platforms: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7

See Also

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